Ultrasonic-microwave technique promotes the physicochemical structure of hydrogel and its release characterization of curcumin in vitro
Date:2024-06-14 Page Views: 10

Kaixuan Bu, Dongjie Huang, Hao Zhang, Kang Xu, Chuanhe Zhu


In this study, soybean protein isolate and hawthorn pectin were mixed to prepare binary hydrogels using ultrasound and microwave techniques. Moderate treatment can not only significantly improve the mechanical strength of the hydrogel, but also increase the tightness of the internal cross-linking. The strengthening of interactions (hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and disulfide bonds) was the main reason for this trend. Especially, the ultrasonic-microwave (80 s) treatment hydrogel possessed excellent hardness (33.426 N), water-holding capacity (98.26%), elasticity (G= 1205 Pa), and a more homogeneous and denser microstructure. In addition, the hydrogel minimized the extent of curcumin loss (21.23%) after 5 weeks of storage. In general, the ultrasonic-microwave technique could significantly promote the physicochemical structure and curcumin bioaccessibility of hydrogels, which showed excellent market prospects in the food industry.

Paper Linkage:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.139389
